Leg & Hip Problems

Normal UK doctors’ treatment for hip pain tends to revolve around giving you stronger painkillers or even surgery; while the physiotherapist will talk about you doing some exercises at home.

UK hip and leg pain are very common, but generally, patients will not be treated to solve their source pains, only to block pain messages using painkillers.

Chinese TCM doctors advise you NOT to take surgery – the root pain may be caused by a simple muscle strain, stress or stiffness that TCM-Shiatsu treatment can remedy.  So come on, try us out!


What My Clients Say

“Hi Yen, Wonderful, this week is not crazy.  I feel great overall, bit more relaxed and a lot more clarity as well. My sleep has improved as well.”

AM, Fulham

“Dear Yen, Thank you so much for all this (treatment). My mother is delighted, as we are, that we found you.  Best regards.”

DL, Putney Bridge
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